Akasha of the Naga


The Naga are the snakelike people of Shangara.  They are the most populated inhabitants of the thick jungles there.  They share the land with evil Rerekkin (an ancient relative of the Naga), Rakshasa, and other animalistic beings.  They keep a dangerous creative force that exists in Shangara from wildly changing the rest of Naboria.  The Naga have the belief in a oneness of being.  This is where the monks in Nihura first learned about it.  However, the naga differ from their human neighbors. 

The oneness of being they describe is real.  Each naga is connected through a consciousness that exists in their race.  They were one of the first races on the planet known as the wild races.  These wild races now only exist where man has not pushed them out of or where man has left for them.  One of these places is Shangara.  The naga do not derive their magic from this consciousness, but they are reborn from it and live countless lives.  

Consequently, the consciousness can reveal to a naga things it does not know, but that depends upon how close the naga is to what they call the Akasha.  The more a naga meditates and becomes close to the Akasha, the more the Akasha will tell the naga.  It warns them of danger, it leads them to victory, it even prophesies the return of their leaders, but it literally works through and preserves their people.  The Akasha is the spiritual embodiment of the universe, and their connection to it.

Akasha (skill) is a skill for Naga and is adjusted by Wisdom, but it is always bought as a cross class skill.  The DM determines the difficulty of the roll based on the question asked by the player and how lofty or realistic it is.  If it is a ridiculous question that would imbalance the game, it will be a ridiculous DC.  It is simply a way to reflect the Naga’s connection to the world and universe at large.  It is the nagas third eye. The insights it gives should not be mechanical, but it should convey story information or an understanding of the immediate situation. However, the naga do not rely on this information often. They use it in moments of survival, tribulation, or ceremony. Abuse of it can cause a naga to sleep for long periods effectively sleeping decades away while the world around them shifts and changes. If a player abuses this skill, this is the consequence they face.

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